Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS)
July - October 2022
About Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS)
The Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) was set up in Geneva in 2009 as an inter-agency body to support governments and humanitarian and development organisations seeking to improve locally owned information about and analysis of displacement situations. JIPS has since become recognised as a global knowledge hub on profiling. JIPS's primary mission is to provide field support, either on-site or remotely, in the form of strategic advice, technical assistance, training, tools, and guidance.
Project brief
Through a tender process, Oppida was contracted to support JIPS by transforming the face-to-face Collaborative Leadership Program into a blended e-learning experience. This included designing, co-developing, publishing, and conducting user testing. In addition, Oppida supported selecting a suitable learning management system (LMS) for the pilot and future online courses. Finally, Oppida delivered LMS training to ensure the in-house team could manage online delivery effectively.
Project challenge
This project was on a tight timeline. The team had to design, develop and publish the Collaborative Leadership Program (CLP) in under eight weeks. In addition, the JIPS team did not have any prior experience designing online learning.
Oppida’s customised solution
Oppida began the project with several consultations to understand their digital needs and propose the most appropriate tech stack while simultaneously setting up development processes for the core content, as timelines were tight!
Oppida led weekly standups and communicated daily via Slack with their core team to ensure swift responses to queries.
Due to the robust co-development processes Oppida implemented, the team created a highly engaging blended course in the Thinkific platform, enabling JIPS to transition online in an agile, collaborative and efficient way.
“We chose Oppida due to their demonstrated experiences and capacities in delivering well-designed high-quality e-learning content. Also, their flexibility to integrate seamlessly with our existing work streams and deadlines, while also taking the time to understand our needs and fine-tune their recommendations accordingly were key selection criteria in the tender process. We now look back at several months of hard work and are proud of the product we co-created in such a short time. Thanks again for supporting us on the amazing learning journey!”
- Nils Reubke
Ready to get started?
If you are seeking a reputable and reliable partner to create exceptional digital learning experiences, look no further than Oppida. Work with us to achieve your education, training and business goals.