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Oppida raises the bar in online education

Environment Education Victoria (EEV)

Environment Education Victoria (EEV)

August 2020 – September 2020

About Environment Education Victoria (EEV)

Environment Education Victoria (EEV) is the peak body for sustainability and environment education, connecting with individuals and organisations across early learning centres, primary schools, secondary schools and universities. 

EEV’s membership is approaching 1000 VCE and other students, pre-service teachers, professional teachers and community educators, as well as government and corporate sustainability practitioners from across Victoria. EEV provides access to educational expertise and high quality resources.

Project brief

Oppida collaborated with subject matter experts to design and develop primary and secondary Zero Waste Hero courses to unlock EEV’s digital learning potential. In addition, Oppida supported EEV by reviewing and proposing the best possible online platform to provide the much-needed flexibility to adapt the content based on the geographical needs of schools and ease of content delivery with minimal teacher training. As part of the project, Oppida created a Zero Waste Hero brand and developed teaching guides to support the delivery of both courses.

Project challenge 

Many EEV team members did not have prior experience designing online courses or working with external agencies. In addition, the courses needed to be designed with a high level of flexibility, enabling seamless integration of existing school resources. 

Oppida’s customised solution 

To unlock EEV’s digital learning potential, Oppida: 

  • conducted thorough market research to understand the gaps in the market 
  • developed a catchy Zero Waste Hero brand to support EEV’s existing strong brand
  • dedicated extra time and resources to help the subject matter experts through the learning design stage 
  • created practical teaching guides to ensure seamless adoption of the courses across Victorian schools. 

Oppida ensured that EEV transitioned online in an agile, collaborative and efficient way, and provided an opportunity to review current ways of working in light of new insights around digital learning.


“Oppida was a game changer for our organisation. They guided us through change and delivered us to a new outlook, one which places EEV in a position we’ve never been in before: to have the ability to deliver online resources. This has made us, for the first time in our 40-year history, truly connected to our members across all parts of Victoria. Oppida made this happen because they have talented people, a ‘change is achievable’ mindset and the ability to take others on the digital education journey.”

- Grant Fenton, Executive Officer

Ready to get started?

If you are seeking a reputable and reliable partner to create exceptional digital learning experiences, look no further than Oppida. Work with us to achieve your education, training and business goals.